2nd October 2023
Facilis announces release of FastTracker 3.8 with many new features.

Facilis is happy to announce the availability of FastTracker 3.8! There's dozens of new and improved features like Google Drive and Dropbox Offline Cache support, metadata-filtered proxy generation, AI analysis and file management, plus one-touch index and ingest workflows, just to name a few!
Facilis FastTracker 3.8
Even small facilities can have hundreds of terabytes of files across multiple hard drives, network locations, and tier 1 shared storage. Managing the access and location of these files can be a challenge, wasting time that should be used for production. FastTracker is a media asset management system that is designed to be a fast way to index, catalog and find your video, audio, and still image files across Facilis volumes, network drives, and local storage.
Version 3.8 introduces many new features, including metadata-based filters for catalog assignment, data movement, analysis and proxy generation. This new architecture will streamline automated workflows to copy data and assign catalogs to records based on approval tags, file location, and age, among many other criteria. Version 3.8 also includes auto-tagging though Google AI, including advanced transcription services that opens up the transcription feature to hundreds of languages.
A new ingest workflow from FastTracker Client enables indexing of local files, copy to server locations and triggering processing all in one step. FastTracker will offer link to externally-created proxy files, and a new dropbox-style web link provides a simple interface for approval. Adobe integrations have improved, with gathering and indexing of Premiere Pro project sources, import of transcription data to Adobe Captions feature, and metadata sync with Adobe projects for searching Adobe metadata within FastTracker interface.
New features in Version 3.8
- Google AI Image Recognition Auto-tagging and Transcription
- Metadata-based Catalog Assignments, Proxy Generation, File Move/Copy and Analysis Filters
- Attach External Proxies to Records
- Background Process Monitoring and Management
- Ingest Workflow from FastTracker Client
- Adobe Metadata Import and Project Source Gathering/Indexing
- Import of Transcription Metadata to Adobe Captions
- Web-based Approval Links
- Google Drive and Dropbox Archive Support
Contact support@facilis.com for download and install instructions, or visit https://www.facilis.com/how-to-buy/ for a demonstration.
FastTracker is available at no charge for any Facilis customer with a current basic support contract.
About Facilis Technology
Founded in 2003, Massachusetts-based Facilis Technology, Inc. designs and builds premium, turnkey shared storage solutions for collaborative media production across all content creation workflows. Their production-proven solutions are designed for use by the craft editor, facility engineer, and owner-operator alike. Flexible, scalable, and compatible with industry-standard creative solutions, Facilis’ products blend seamlessly into any network environment. https://facilis.com/
For more information, please contact:
Facilis Technology
108 Forest Avenue - Suite 200
Hudson, MA 01749
Kelly Taranto – Sr. Sales & Marketing Manager
About Dark Matter Technologies
DMT was established 2011 to represent and support overseas suppliers of professional products to the Broadcast, Post, Film and AV markets. With a combined industry experience of 70yrs, DMT has a wealth of knowledge of the industry enabling them to advise and help grow the suppliers business.
Contact the Dark Matter team now for more information on Facilis:
info@darkmattertechnologies.com | +44 (0)20 8966 9757 | www.darkmattertechnologies.co.uk