Facilis HUB Shared Storage for Video Editing
Facilis HUB Shared Storage for video editing is a system dedicated to improving post-production and content creation workflows.
Facilis HUB provides the performance to get the job done. Look through our video storage servers and see why Facilis Technology is your shared storage solution.
Included with every server is the Facilis Shared File System which easily accommodates multi-platform environments and enables collaboration among different applications and image formats.
It uses Facilis Shared File System software, not generic NAS file systems like SMB/CIFS/NFS which are controlled by the operating system of the client workstations. Avoiding network filesystem overhead lowers the latency of the client-server communication, especially when accessing directories with large file count.
Included with every Facilis system, FastTracker is the fastest way to index, tag, search, and access your video, audio and still format media across all connected storage. FastTracker is tested to support millions of asset records, which could represent several more millions of files, as duplicates and proxies are tracked in a single record.